C o n t e n t s

1. Election
1.1. Qualifications and term of office
1.2. Presidential candidates
1.3. Election procedure
1.4. Inauguration
2. Presidential office
2.1. Inability and substitute
2.2. Remuneration and pension
2.3. Official residences
The Presidential Palace
Mäntyniemi Residence
Kultaranta Summer Residence
2.4. The Office of the President
Aids-de-Camp of the President
3. Presidential elections 1919-1988
3.1. Previous election procedures
3.2. Exceptional elections
4. Presidential duties
4.1. Supreme executive power
4.2. Dissolution of Parliament
4.3. Appointment and resignation of ministers
4.4. International relations
4.5. Legislation
Ecclesiastical legislation
4.6. Decrees
4.7. Powers of appointment
4.8. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
4.9. Powers of emergency
5. Other functions
5.1. Pardons
5.2. Titles
5.3. Exemptions and dispensations
5.4. Naturalization
5.5. Decorations
5.6. Right to information and powers of inspection
5.7. Conditional appropriations
5.8. Powers of impeachment
5.9. Åland affairs
6. Decision-making procedure
6.1. Formal decision-making
6.2. Informal decision-making
6.3. Factual decisions
7. Presidential speeches and public appearances
7.1. New Years speech
7.2. Speeches in Parliament
7.3. Other speeches and public appearances

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