Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

New Year’s Speech by President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb on 1 January 2025

Dear compatriots,

We live in a time when our sense of security is shaken almost on a daily basis. We try to understand change. We seek security.

We are bombarded with a constant flow of information. It was supposed to make us wiser, but it seems that it has not. We have become more anxious and grown more distant from each other.

It is easy to list what is wrong and to concentrate on threats. It is much harder to find solutions. Pessimism leads to inaction. Optimism to action. Realism to solutions.

In the midst of all the commotion, we need to focus on what is essential. The future is not just coming at us, we are building it every day.

My message today is clear. We are doing fine. We will build a good future. Together.


The post-Cold war era is over. The things that were supposed to bring us together – trade, information and technology – are now tearing us apart.

The international system is in flux. We are witnessing a redistribution of power between the global West, East and South. When a power vacuum emerges, someone will always fill it.

The paradox of our time is that the international system is being challenged exactly when we need it the most.

We cannot solve the challenges facing humanity – climate change, biodiversity, artificial intelligence or conflicts – without common rules.

It is important for the whole world that the international system is based on rules, not force. This is particularly important for small countries like Finland.

As a nation, Finland makes efforts to strengthen international institutions and rules, because the rules-based international system is the foundation of peace and cooperation.

We hold on to our values. At the same time, we are realists. Global problems cannot be solved only with those who agree with us on everything.


My fellow citizens,

I understand why many of you are worried when you follow the daily news feeds.

At the start of this New Year, however, I want to say to all of you: stay calm. Let us focus on the good instead of the bad. Let us focus on matters we can influence.

When the world gives us bad examples, we can set a good one. For many, Finland represents a model to follow.

Finnish society is strong. The pillars of our security – unity, mutual trust and the will to defend our country – remain solid.

Our preparedness and security of supply are at an excellent level.

Our security authorities, including the Finnish Defence Forces, the police and the Finnish Border Guard, are in good shape, like we have seen during past weeks, for example in the Baltic Sea. We can trust the authorities that work for us day and night.

But security is more than the safety provided by the State. Security is also about culture and education. They protect us from hybrid influences and propaganda. They are also part of what I would call our mental security of supply. They represent what is worth defending in Finland. Our common and shared experience.


Finland’s support to Ukraine is steadfast. Ukraine is fighting for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, just as Finland did in the Winter War and the Continuation War.

Despite Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, there is no immediate threat of war against Finland.

However, this does not mean that Russia has ceased to be the biggest threat to our security. It has been a threat before, and, unfortunately, will continue to be one in the foreseeable future.

We will manage because under tough circumstances we have always pulled together. Together, we have made it through the most difficult times in of history. And we will do so again.

We are no longer alone. Exactly 30 years ago, we joined the European Union. Today, we are a militarily aligned country, a NATO member. We have friends and allies, who share our values and interests. Together with them, we are stronger.


My fellow Finns,

By almost every international indicator, Finland is one of the best countries in the world, if not even the best. Let us be proud of our country.

Naturally, this does not mean that we have no shortcomings or that we cannot do better. Of course we can. We can always do better. That is the seed of progress.

I am less concerned about our external security than I am about our economic situation and the internal polarisation of our nation. Worries about employment and personal finances are now weighing on many people’s minds.

There is no silver bullet to strengthen the Finnish economy. Spending cuts alone will not balance the economy. Increasing public expenditure will not save us. Structural reforms are always difficult.

I hope that the parliamentary parties will find common ground to generate growth. A continuum that will get Finland back on track towards sustainable growth. Be bold. Seek compromises and solutions.


Over the past decade, many liberal democracies have witnessed a strong rise in polarisation. As a small nation, we cannot afford that. A divided nation cannot defend itself or grow.

Eventually, everything will depend on us. On you and me. On how we treat each other and handle difficult situations.

We all bear the same responsibility. It cannot be outsourced. Not to members of parliament. Not to the media. Not to anyone else.

We will be facing things we are not used to. We will face uncertainty, which may sometimes be scary. However, we must not react to every little noise. It is always good to keep calm.

For us Finns, foreign and security policy has always been existential. That is why in the turning points of history we have managed to react in a unified manner. Let us cherish this ability.


Everything stems from our values. Our success is based on individual freedom and a sense of community. We strive to give an equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of their background. If someone is not coping, we help them.

Every individual is valuable. Gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic background or age does not define anyone’s value as a person. Part of being a Finn is caring for others regardless of their background. There is no place for racism in Finland.

Let us respect one another. The most important glue keeping our society together is trust. We cannot afford to lose that. Let us defend human rights and humanity.

Our society is founded on strong democratic institutions. They guarantee that our voices are heard and our rights respected. Our open society is based on freedom of speech, a well-functioning civil society and the rule of law. Let us hold on to them.

Today, Finland is more diverse than ever before in its history. We must build a Finland where everyone feels that they belong. We must build a Finland for all of us. Everyone’s Finland.


Empathy is often a good guiding principle in life. It means the ability to consider another person’s perspective. To care for others. To offer comfort.

Compassion and tolerance are feelings we do not extend only to people who think in the same way as us. The core idea is respect. Being open to different perspectives. Being ready to discuss and, first and foremost, to listen – to find solutions together.

In this world filled with loudspeakers, each blasting their own message at full volume, it is sometimes good to turn the volume down. You are also allowed to use your own judgement. We are all sometimes wrong. It is wise to learn from our mistakes.

Sometimes it feels like the whole world is collapsing around us. Especially in situations like that, it is wise to calm down and turn to your friends. Look around you, beside you. See your loved ones who are there and take care of one another.

Love, time spent together and caring cannot be outsourced. What if we spent more time with one another instead of with our phones?

Listening to each other. Learning from one another. Investing in matters that unite us rather than in ones that keep us apart.


As a parent of two young adults, I know that young people today are under a lot of pressure. To young people, I want to send a message of hope. Happiness does not derive from social status or wealth. Nor does it come from social media.

It comes from a feeling that our lives have meaning. And meaning often comes from helping each other in good times and bad. Turning our gaze up from ourselves to each other.

Young people, believe in the future. Throughout history, mankind has always been able to overcome even the most difficult challenges, to better itself. Have faith. There is more good than bad in the world. Choosing the good is always the right choice.


Dear Finns,

Let us cherish the traditions upon which Finland has been built throughout our independence. We are a tenacious, strong and civilised nation.

Let us keep on going even when others succumb to despair. We will not give up.

Let us be proud of Finland and our Finnish identity. We want to live freely, as equals, respecting one another.

And dear Finns, let us not forget to be grateful. We are living in the happiest nation of the world.

On my own and Suzanne’s behalf, I want to wish you all a happy and meaningful New Year. Let us make this year better than ever. Together.

Thank you and God bless you.

Watch the speech on Yle Areena (in English)

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