Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Clément Morin
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Valtiovierailun toisen päivän ohjelma jatkui yhdessä kuningasparin kanssa Göteborgissa. Yliopistolla presidentti Stubb puhui aiheesta uusi maailmanjärjestys ja epäjärjestyksen aikakausi. Kuva: Matti Porre/Tasavallan presidentin kanslia
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Photo: Matti Porre/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
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