Photo: Emmi Syrjäniemi / Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

President Stubb at UN General Assembly: We need the UN more than ever

President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb attended the High-Level Week of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly from 22 to 26 September 2024. President Stubb led the Finnish delegation and delivered Finland’s national statement at the United Nations Summit of the Future on Monday 23 September and at the General Assembly on Wednesday 25 September.

In his address to the General Assembly, President Stubb stressed the importance of multilateral cooperation:

“Today we are again standing at crossroads. And I have to admit that I am worried. Divisions between countries and blocks are widening. Our shared understanding of the world has dwindled – replaced by narratives that fuel controversy, conflict and hatred.”

President Stubb outlined three ways to reform the UN. These include ensuring that all major continents are represented in the UN Security Council, abolishing the veto and suspending the voting rights of a Security Council member that violates the UN Charter.

Later on Wednesday, President Stubb delivered a joint statement to the UN Security Council on behalf of the five Nordic countries. The President noted that the Security Council has the primary responsibility for international peace and security.

“Our ultimate aim must be not just to resolve conflicts, but to prevent them.  This requires dedicated and inclusive leadership, from each and every one of us”, said President Stubb.

During the UN High-level Week, President Stubb also had several bilateral meetings. The discussions highlighted the importance of dialogue and diplomacy in conflict resolution.

The President’s spouse, Mrs Suzanne Innes-Stubb, participated in a number of events during the opening week of the General Assembly and spoke at a conference focusing on the future of children.

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