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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 6/29/2004

Address by President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen at the Summit Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, Istanbul, 29th June 2004

We have just witnessed the completion of two major parallel enlargement processes in Europe - one of the European Union and one of NATO. Finland warmly welcomes both enlargements. They have been significant for both new and old member states as well as for the enlarged communities as whole. It is important that these doors stay open also in the future.

The establishment of cooperation arrangements between the EU and NATO reflects the willingness of the international community to closely work together. The European Union has developed its crisis management capabilities in an active way. By taking over the lead of the Bosnian operation from NATO the EU is acting in a responsible way and is ready for burden-sharing. International organisations should respond to the demanding challenges rather together.

The Nato Partnership cooperation has now been practised already for 10 years. Through it we have been able to strengthen stability and democracy in the whole Euro-Atlantic area. The Alliance together with Partners - has tried to find answers to the new challenges. One important and very welcome achievement is the endorsement of NATO's Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Finland supports the proposals to further develop the Euro-Atlantic co-operation taking into account the needs of different Partners. We have actively contributed to this process and we are ready to do so also in the future. Efforts to counter terrorism and weapons of mass destruction especially require this kind of international cooperation.

Finland considers close cooperation with NATO to be very important. We participate actively in NATO-led crisis management operations. Finland's contribution to KFOR has been significant. We have also put special emphasis on other stabilization activities in Kosovo and the whole region of the Western Balkans.

Finland considers NATO’s activities in the Civil Emergency Planning sector useful and very important also in the EAPC-context. We will host the biannual plenary meeting of the Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee (SCEPC) in the EAPC-format in Helsinki in the spring 2005.

Civilian crisis management is essential in solving crises and indeed crucial in turning societies into functioning democracies. This is also important when preparing ourselves for the prevention of future threats.

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Updated 6/29/2004

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