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The President of the Republic of Finland: Speeches and Interviews

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 4/17/2003

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen to the outgoing Government on 17 April 2003

Mr Prime Minister, Thank you for the kind words which you addressed to me. The Government you have headed has worked with two presidents, under the old and new Constitution. For my own part I am pleased with the good cooperation between us.

The European Union has had a strong place in the Government's work, as will also be the case in the new Government's work. The Finnish presidency, the introduction of the euro and the culmination of the enlargement of the EU yesterday with the signing of the Accession Treaty with ten new member states have all occurred during the outgoing Government's term. The past years have been an active time for Finland and the EU.

There has been plenty to do in the field of foreign and security policy. I believe, however, that the Government itself and others give top priority to improving the Finnish economy and employment, without forgetting other important achievements.

The Government cooperation which in practically the same composition went well for two electoral periods after the 1995 elections is now coming to a close. In the Government negotiations the decision was made to build the Government on a new basis. Under the Constitution the matter is in Parliament's hands and Parliament has made its decision according to its electoral mandate from the people.

The outgoing Government's base was exceptionally broad and as such provided an encouraging experience of Finns' ability to work together in the face of great challenges. The Government's policies were consistent and long-term. I would like to thank the Prime Ministers and each member of the Government for responsible and successful work on behalf of the nation.

The paths of the Government parties are now diverging. The Social Democrats and the Swedish People's Party are continuing with a new partner. The National Coalition Party and the Left Alliance are relinquishing Government responsibility. I trust that you will also make your own significant contribution to our nation's development in the opposition. I would like to thank Minister of Finance Sauli Niinistö, who is also leaving Parliament, and wish him success in new tasks.

I would also like to express my appreciation and thanks to Prime Minister Lipponen for the work he has performed on behalf of our nation at the head of the Government during the past eight years.

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Updated 4/17/2003

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