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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 4/23/2009

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen at a banquet for the state visit of President Valdas Adamkus of Lithuania at the Presidential Palace on 23 April 2009

(check against delivery)

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you, Mr President, and your spouse to Finland on this state visit. I still have fond memories of my visit to your beautiful country in 2002.

The countries and peoples around the Baltic Sea have been in close contact with one another over the centuries. Finland and Lithuania are close friends and Baltic Sea neighbours who have a lot in common.

For several decades in the past century, the twists and turns of history led to a situation where the sea no longer linked but separated us. In recent years contacts between the Baltic Sea states have again been free and they have become very lively.

Finland and Lithuania are active members of organizations in the Baltic Sea region. Lithuania will assume the Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) this summer. It is important to work together to increase our northern region's economic cooperation, energy cooperation, transport and communications as well as contacts between people. The Baltic Sea Strategy, which is currently under preparation by the European Union, and the Northern Dimension Policy with its various partnerships will enhance cooperation to the benefit of all the coastal states.

Our shared concern is the ecological state of the Baltic Sea. The condition of the sea is poor. In fact, it is one of the most polluted sea areas in the world. Saving our common sea now for future generations is our joint responsibility. You, Mr President, through your own actions have set a very good example in environmental issues. We hope that both public and private actors will cooperate to protect the Baltic Sea in all of our countries.

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Lithuania's old and rich culture has fascinated Finnish researchers, philosophers, authors and artists. Recently Lithuania's high-standard culture, theatre, music and art have been on display at numerous events in Finland. The selection of Vilnius as the European Capital of Culture gives your country a unique opportunity to showcase your cultural achievements. In this connection, I would like to warmly thank you for your invitation to participate in Lithuania's Millennium Anniversary celebration in July.

Economic cooperation between our countries has developed favourably in recent years, although the current global crisis is also here a complicating factor. There are, however, possibilities to increase cooperation. Over 200 Finnish companies operate in Lithuania and interest is growing. We also hope that Lithuanian firms will expand their activities in Finland.

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Membership of the European Union has strengthened our countries' European identity and prosperity. Shared values concerning democracy, human rights, the rule of law and equality are the foundation of social development both in Finland and Lithuania.

It is important to work together to deepen the EU's internal development and boost its external relations, for which the Lisbon Treaty will provide a good basis. We hope that the treaty will be ratified in all the Member States and that it will enter into force without delay. The economic crisis should not affect the enlargement of the Union. Not all countries will become EU Member States, but there is a clear need to strengthen cooperation.

Also Russia and the EU are dependent on each other in many ways. We hope that the relations between the EU and Russia will develop on the basis of shared European values and interests. Developing the EU's Eastern Partnership is now important, and Lithuania has valuable expertise in this.

Transatlantic cooperation may be getting new energy with President Obama. At least on the basis of the first meetings, we can be hopeful.

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Interdependence at the global level has increased. The global financial and economic crisis has demonstrated the need for increased cooperation between governments in regulating and supervising international financial markets. It is also important to continue striving to achieve the United Nations Development Goals.

The challenges and threats are global, but new opportunities for cross-border cooperation are also better than before. We hope that together we can take advantage of these opportunities, above all through the United Nations. In our own continent, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are important cooperation forums alongside the European Union. Finland is ready to share the experience it gained during its chairmanship of the OSCE last year and to support Lithuania as it prepares for its own chairmanship in 2011.

Allow me to propose a toast to you, President Adamkus and Mrs Adamkiene, to the success of Lithuania and to cooperation between our countries!

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Updated 4/23/2009

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