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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 3/11/2003

President Halonen at the Closing of the Electoral Period

President of the Republic Tarja Halonen attended the closing of the electoral period in Parliament on Tuesday 11 March 2003. President Halonen stated in her speech that this electoral period 1999-2002 has been historic. The Parliament finally approved the new Constitution that came into force at the same time that the President took office in March 2000. "Obeying the letter and the spirit of the Constitution requires that the representatives of the top branches of government are strong and law-abiding, but also able to co-operate. Good will and the ability to co-operate have been displayed by all those concerned and I believe this will continue in the future."

President of the Republic speaks at the Parliament. Photo: Lehtikuva.

"After the elections we will for the first time apply the provisions in the new Constitution regarding the formation of the Government. Parliament is responsible for finding an effective government base and for selecting the Prime Minister. As President my task is to follow the parliamentary groups' negotiations concerning the Government programme and the composition of the Government, since, on the basis of the result of these negotiations and after hearing the Speaker of Parliament, I will notify Parliament of the nominee for Prime Minister. This nominee will be elected Prime Minister if his or her election is supported by more than half of the votes cast openly in Parliament."

As regards the world situation, President Halonen predicted a worsening crisis.

"Disarming Iraq of weapons of mass destruction is a challenge for the entire international community. Iraq's very sluggishly growing will to co-operate has made the task more difficult. Everyone wants to avoid war, but unfortunately it has not been possible to rule it out."

"Finland's position on the Iraq crisis has always been clear: Iraq must relinquish its weapons of mass destruction and related programmes according to UN Security Council resolutions. The responsibility for the disarmament belongs to Iraq. The task of the UN weapons inspectors is to confirm the disarmament. Possible further action against Iraq should be decided by the UN Security Council. The Security Council has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. We support the Security Council and its decisions and the use of force without the Security Council's authorization cannot be approved."

"We support the continuation of the inspectors' work as long as this work is meaningful and beneficial. The Security Council must consider time resources on the basis of inspectors' reports. Disarming Iraq of weapons of mass destruction may require military action. Such action should be authorized by the Security Council. Finland will not participate in the use of force. We have been ready to investigate possibilities to provide humanitarian aid through the UN, however, as in the past."

President Halonen also reminded Parliament of commitment to global partnership and the development goals of the Millennium Declaration.

"Defending development co-operation funds or human rights is not just a demonstration of solidarity. It is also an investment in our own and our children's future. A world in which the majority of people live in poverty while a small minority lives in overabundance cannot last forever. We have learned in Finland that we can build our welfare only on fair and equal social development. The same is true globally."

Full text of the President's speech

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Updated 3/13/2006

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