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The President of the Republic of Finland: Speeches and Interviews

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 12/1/2004

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen at the Doctoral Promotion Ceremonies At The University Of Tartu On 1 December 2004

I warmly thank the University of Tartu for granting me an honorary doctorate, which is also a tribute to the entire Finnish nation. I greatly appreciate it and believe that other Finns do so as well.

The University of Tartu is the cradle of Estonian culture and has had an immense significance as a nation builder. It is also an internationally respected university as a result of its long history and noteworthy achievements.

Estonia is an important neighbour for Finland and Estonians are our closest kin. Our academic connections stretch back for centuries but they were particularly lively in the years just after our countries gained independence. When the University of Tartu became Estonia's national university in the 1920s, a number of leading Finnish scholars and teachers were involved.

Today academic connections between universities in Finland and the University of Tartu are very close. Tartu has become a seat of learning for a large number of Finnish students. We small nations understand that university studies and scientific research are an integral part of our national vitality.

European cooperation is important for Finns and Estonians. Academic education and research are in a key position as we the members of the European Union work together for a better future and develop our economic and social competitiveness in a globalizing world.

We can meet the challenges facing us today and in the future by developing our national distinctiveness, investing in expertise and innovation and engaging boldly in international cooperation. Universities have a key role in all this. I know and can see that the University of Tartu has accepted these challenges.

Once again, thank you.

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Updated 12/1/2004

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