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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 4/17/2003

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen to the new Government on 17 April 2003

I would like to thank everyone who had a hand in forming the Government for your rapidly concluded work. Special thanks are deserved by all the parliamentary groups, which bore their responsibility well in carrying out the process of forming the Government. The procedure under the new Constitution proved effective.

Madame Prime Minister, As the person in charge of negotiations, you directed the process of forming the Government well. I would like to thank you for working briskly. In the election of the Prime Minister, Parliament gave you its confidence. I congratulate you on your election.

As a result of the negotiations, a broad-based majority Government with a comprehensive programme for the electoral period has now been formed. The Government programme is the basis of Government cooperation. Unexpected things can happen along the way, however. I hope that the negotiations created a trusting basis of cooperation to help deal with these matters as well.

I know that the parties forming the Government have striven to select the members of the Government with care. It includes continuity, experience and openness to new approaches. Gender equality has been achieved in the composition of the Government for the first time in Finland's history. I hope that this example will also encourage others.

The new Government is starting work in an unstable international situation which can also have repercussions for Finns' prosperity. I hope that through cooperation between the Government and the President of the Republic, Finland can make its own positive contribution to the strengthening of the multilateral international system in these uncertain times.

As I noted at the opening of Parliament, I am prepared for good cooperation with the Prime Minister elected by Parliament and the Government enjoying Parliament's confidence. I will do my best to fulfil this promise.

I wish the new Government and all its members success in your work on behalf of the nation and all Finns.

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Updated 4/17/2003

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