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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 6/24/2003

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen to the new Government on 24 June 2003

Members of the Government, I thank everyone who had a hand in forming the Government for the work which you so rapidly concluded. The procedure under the new Constitution also proved effective in exceptional circumstances.

The new majority Government has been formed on the same political basis as its predecessor. The composition of the Government likewise remains practically the same. The new Government has also retained the programme which was adopted by the outgoing Government. The basis of Government cooperation thus remains unchanged.

Mr Prime Minister, You are beginning your task in an exceptional political situation. You now have a special responsibility and duty in re-establishing trust between political actors. For my own part I am ready to support you in this task.

One of the key tasks of the President of the Republic is to support the Government in office. I have already noted that I am prepared for good cooperation with the Prime Minister elected by Parliament and the Government which enjoys Parliament's confidence. I will do my best to fulfil this promise.

I wish the new Government and all its members success in your work on behalf of the nation and all Finns!

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Updated 6/24/2003

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