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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 6/15/2009

Address by President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen at the ILO Summit on the Global Jobs Crisis in Geneva, 15 June 2009

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It is a great pleasure to address this summit. I want to thank the ILO for the attention that it is giving on the global jobs situation and for its commitment to address the related economic, social and political issues.

Beginning as a financial crisis, the economic crisis has spread at an alarming speed and depth from country to country. We have every reason to make serious efforts to find measures to stop this phenomenon and to minimize its economic and social consequences. When we consider different solutions, it is necessary to pay attention to both their effects in the prevailing situation and to their possibilities to prevent similar phenomena in the future. The measures that are necessary require broad cooperation and political leadership. Different G-teams as such have been welcome to stop the avalanche of negative events, but the active participation of the United Nations and other international institutions is required to achieve the necessary changes in the financial architecture and to develop safe global ethics.


The lack of trust in financial institutions is a serious problem. The weaknesses of the global financial structures have long been known. They were also pointed out by the ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization in 2004. In dealing with the present crisis, the Commission’s recommendations remain as valid as ever.

The economic crises also cause human suffering, and that can easily lead to social and political unrest. We must find ways to modernize the international financial system, so that it meets the necessary criteria for safety and transparency. To put it simply, we must promote a fairer globalization, which focuses more on people and responds to the needs of workers for decent employment.

We should invest in education to overcome the current economic crisis. We need to pay particular attention to gender equality both in education and in work life. To cope with future challenges, we need all our resources and capacities. One of the fundamental building blocks of the Nordic welfare society is education and lifelong learning. I believe that this model is sustainable and capable of regenerating itself also in the current situation.

The devastating effects of the economic and financial crisis are particularly felt in the developing countries. We must show our solidarity for the most vulnerable and remain strong in our commitment to reach the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Finland and the other EU countries have committed themselves to the UN development aid goal of 0, 7 per cent of the gross national product by the year 2015. The poor of the world are also an unused human resource. Let us give them a chance!


When solving the current problems, we don’t need to start from scratch. The UN Summit in 2005 endorsed the concept of fair globalisation. Productive and decent employment and decent work for all, including for women and young people, has been made a central objective in national and international programmes of action. They have become an integral part of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation from last year is a clear commitment to make decent work a reality for all people.

The solution to the current crisis should fully respect this commitment. We give our support to the Global Jobs Pact initiative, which addresses the immediate needs of workers, families and enterprises. It is important that governments and social partners work closely together in implementing the initiative.


The global economic crisis must be solved, but neither can nature, our common planet, wait for better economic times. We are facing decisive moments in the fight against climate change. We should make every effort to seal the deal – as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has underlined - at the UN Copenhagen Climate Conference in December. Finland like the other EU countries is committed to an ambitious post- 2012 regime. All countries, industrialized as well as developing countries, major economies and others, should contribute to this vital goal.

We should take the current economic challenges as an eye-opener. We need to promote green recovery strategies, which will stimulate innovations, lead to further development of environmentally sound technologies, and open the possibility of a low-carbon future for us all. These strategies can create new jobs all over the world.

It is crucial that we fully involve women in the combat against climate change - and also in the negotiations on a new international climate regime. In particular in the poor countries, where the consequences of climate change will be the hardest, women carry the main burden for everyday life. Sustainable solutions can be found only when both women and men participate equally in shaping and implementing decisions.


Finally, there are solutions to achieve prosperity and ensure sustainable development globally. It is true that they are not easy. But we know the problems, we have a whole lot of measures which can improve the situation. Postponing things will not improve the situation. It is high time to find common will for sustainable development for the benefit of man and nature. I trust in you.

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Updated 6/15/2009

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