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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 5/31/2010

President Halonen met with President of China

Kiinassa vierailulla oleva tasavallan presidentti Tarja Halonen ja Kiinan presidentti Hu Jintao tapasivat Kiinan kansankongressipalatsissa Pekingissä. Copyright © Tasavallan presidentin kansliaPresident Halonen met with President Hu of China in Beijing on 29 May, 2010. Photo: Office of the President of the Republic.

President of the Republic Tarja Halonen, who is visiting China, met with President Hu Jintao on Saturday, 29 May 2010 in Beijing. The Presidents discussed the good bilateral relations between Finland and China and opportunities to increase cooperation in different sectors of the economy and at the business level. President Halonen also drew attention to the need to protect workers' position in tightening international competition.

International issues that received attention included climate change, the effects of the economic crisis and the situation in Korea, which President Halonen brought up. President Hu informed President Halonen of China's attitude to events on the Korean Peninsula. Finland condemns acts of aggression and hopes that everyone will avoid making the situation worse.

During the discussions, which took place at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, President Hu expressed China's appreciation for Finland's constructive influence in developing the EU's relations with China. He also mentioned several personal meetings with President Halonen.


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Updated 6/10/2010

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