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Suomen tasavallan presidentti: Tiedotteet ja uutiset

Suomen tasavallan presidentti
Uutiset, 22.5.2000

Tasavallan presidentin kirje presidentti Joseph Estradalle 19.5.2000

Helsinki, 19 May 2000

Your Exellency,

Let me express our support for the Philippine Government for its action and commitment to solve the Jolo hostage crisis non-violently and through negotiation without endangering the lives and the safety of the hostages.

The whole European Union is following the matter and expressing its sympathies for the hostages and their home countries. I wish to reiterate the following points stressed by the High Representative of the European Union, Mr. Javier Solana during his visit in Manila
9-10, May:

· readiness of EU to give support
· concentration on immediate release of sick hostages
· Philippine Government´s commitment not to use force
· establishment of humanitarian corridor to hostages.

We, together with other EU-countries, strongly condemn the hostage taking as an act of terrorism. I know the negotiations for the release of all the hostages will be hard and complicated. However, I personally, the Government of Finland and the public opinion is getting more and more concerned with their prolongation. The hostages are suffering from a long deprivation of their liberty, from extremely difficult living conditions and from an enormous mental pressure. Consequences of these are becoming serious and alarming.

We strongly insist on the immediate establishment of a permanent, neutral and reliable humanitarian corridor for the hostages, possibly by an international team of humanitarian experts. We need to create a regular channel for the procurement of medicines, food, drinks, clothes and means of communication to the hostages as well as regular attention of a doctor. We know that the condition of Mrs. Wallert requires immediate hospitalisation.

The Philippine Government is in charge of the negotiations also implying a responsibility for the physical and mental condition of the hostages. Mr. President, I trust that the Philippine Government will do its utmost to find a peaceful solution to the crisis and an early release of all the people that were abducted against their will.

Yours sincerely,

Tarja Halonen
President of the Republic of Finland

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