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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 5/5/2007

Tensions between Estonia and Russia discussed during German state visit

The friction between Estonia and Russia received special attention when President of the Republic Tarja Halonen met with the German leadership in Berlin on Thursday, 3 May during her state visit. President Halonen discussed the matter with Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to President Halonen the diplomatic tensions concern the entire EU, and Germany has a key role in resolving the issue since it holds the presidency. Chancellor Merkel said that Germany had actively been in contact with Estonia and Russia. President Halonen and Chancellor Merkel agreed that the EU-Russia Summit should be held in May according to schedule and that maintaining a dialogue between different parties is essential. Both were concerned over the situation and emphasized that diplomatic security must be ensured and that tensions must be reduced.

President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on 3 May 2007. Copyright © Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

Timely European matters and international issues were also on the agenda. In Germany's view the EU must strive to find a solution regarding the constitutional treaty no later than the European Council meeting in June. Finland expressed its support for this timetable.

Chancellor Merkel talked about the results of the EU-USA Summit, which was held earlier this week. Cooperation between the EU and NATO was also discussed and both leaders agreed that cooperation should be intensified particularly in crisis management.

President Halonen and Chancellor Merkel noted that relations between Finland and Germany are excellent and are also close in the area of economics and trade.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Ilkka Kanerva, who is accompanying President Halonen on the state visit, also took part in the discussions.

Finnish and German Presidents meet

On the first day of the state visit, Wednesday, 2 May, President Halonen and Dr Pentti Arajärvi dropped by the Finnish Centre in Berlin and met Finnish parish members.

Federal President Horst Köhler welcomes President of the Republic Tarja Halonen to Schloss Bellevue in Berlin. Copyright © Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

On Thursday, 3 May the programme included an official reception and discussions with Federal President Horst Köhler. President Halonen and President Köhler talked about bilateral relations between Finland and Germany, matters regarding education and research, and global issues.

Later on President Halonen met with Chancellor Merkel and Dr Norbert Lammert, the President of the Bundestag.

On Thursday President Halonen also took part in a discussion arranged by the Deutsche Welle television channel and gave a talk at the German Council on Foreign Relations.

Innovation and education a special theme

President Halonen wass accompanied by a delegation of Finnish innovation, education and business experts and business leaders. On Friday, 4 May an innovation seminar was held in Berlin with the purpose of comparing the strengths of national innovation systems and considering Europe's challenges and opportunities in global competition.

President Halonen concluded the state visit with a trip to Munich on 4-5 May. She met Prime Minister of Bavaria Edmund Stoiber and Minister for European Affairs Emilia Müller. The programme in Munich also included cultural events.

Speech by President Halonen at the German Council on Foreign Relations

Speech by President Halonen at a dinner hosted by President Köhler

Address by President Halonen at the Finnish-German Innovation Dialogue Seminar in Berlin

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Updated 5/8/2007

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