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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 6/1/2006

Remarks by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen to the Speakers of Parliament at a reception on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Parliament of Finland, 1 June 2006

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Finland to celebrate with us the centenary of universal and equal suffrage and a unicameral Parliament in our country.

The political reform that took place a century ago was exceptionally radical even in international terms. Finnish women gained right to vote and to stand for parliamentary election. Also the majority Finnish men were only then granted full political rights. Previously, political power had been held by a small elite group of men.

We are proud that Finland has been able to maintain its democratic system even in those years when it was under threat. One test to this is that Finland, having been involved in the Second World War, held its first post-war parliamentary elections in March 1945, while the war was still continuing in other parts of Europe and the world.

Even though we have all reasons to celebrate today, we should remember that maintaining and improving the democratic system is a never-ending process. Democracy can only become reality when citizens are interested in and prepared to participate in the decision-making.

A new age brings new challenges. A globalized world needs global ethics. People expect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. They expect welfare and social justice. We should increase our efforts to globalize democracy and to democratise globalization.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted that you, as the highest representatives of your respective Parliaments, are attending the centenary celebrations of the Finnish Parliament.

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Updated 6/2/2006

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