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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 4/8/2010


Dinner for the diplomatic corps at the Presidential Palace

President of the Republic Tarja hosted the traditional dinner for heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Finland and their spouses at the Presidential Palace on Thursday 8 April 2010.

The annual dinner was attended by about 180 guests. In addition to the diplomatic corps, the guest list included the members of Finland’s government along with top-ranking civil servants. The President of the Republic opened the dinner with a welcome speech, which was answered by the Dean of the diplomatic corps, Ms Lila Subiran de Viana, Ambassador of Argentina.

Musical entertainment was provided by Oulainen Youth Choir conducted by Tapio Tirilä and the Guard’s Band conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Elias Seppälä.


Crème de Courge d’Hiver

Sandre et Saumon en Terrine
Sauce Raifort

Agneau Rôti au Thym
Sauce aux Cèpes

Glace à l’Argousier et au Sabayon
Tatin aux Poires


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Updated 4/8/2010

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