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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 3/16/2010

President of the Maldives visited Finland

Tasavallan presidentti Tarja Halonen ja Malediivien presidentti Mohamed Nasheed. Copyright © Tasavallan presidentin kanslia

The President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, made a working visit to Finland on 16-17 March 2009. President of the Republic Tarja Halonen received President Nasheed on Tuesday, 16 March at the Presidential Palace, where the programme included bilateral talks and a working lunch. The Presidents discussed climate and environmental matters, fair globalization and renewable energy sources as well as the political situation in South Asia. They particularly focused on the situation following the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

The Maldives are the lowest-lying country in the world, and a rising sea level would have disastrous consequences for it. President Nasheed is therefore highly active in efforts to prevent climate change. "Climate change is no longer a soft environmental issue and tree hugging. It is a hard security issue," President Nasheed emphasized at the press conference that was held in the Yellow Room. "Renewable energy must be cheaper than the use of fossil fuels."

"The Copenhagen Climate Conference did not yield the results that we all wanted. But it was a start from which we can move forward," President Nasheed said. President Halonen considered it very important to discuss - both in Finland and Brussels - what role the European Union will play in the next climate negotiations. "What mistakes did we possibly make and what can we learn from the Copenhagen process."

Lessons from the Baltic Sea Action Summit

President Halonen drew attention to the Baltic Sea Action Summit that took place in Helsinki in February, which has proved to be a successful model. "We began with people - NGOs and companies. Then we asked whether politicians want to join in."

The first multi-party elections were held in the Maldives in autumn 2008. According to President Nasheed, the transition from an authoritarian regime to democracy has gone well. He emphasized that adjusting means more than just money. The most important thing is to develop good governance, which comes through commitment. President Nasheed also cited women's role in social development and praised President Halonen for her active international work to promote equality.

President Halonen pointed out that Finland can provide expertise in good governance. "I feel that we are on the path to fruitful cooperation," she added.

During the working visit President Nasheed also met with Minister of Public Administration and Local Government Mari Kiviniemi, Minister of Economic Affairs Mauri Pekkarinen, Minister of the Environment Paula Lehtomäki, Speaker of Parliament Sauli Niinistö, Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Stubb and former President Martti Ahtisaari. The programme also included a seminar on climate change and leadership arranged by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In addition President Nasheed met members of the Association of Members of Parliament and Scientists (Tutkas) and representatives of the Finnish tourist trade and business community.

Watshc a video recording of the visit


Working visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010. Copyright © Office of the President of the RepublicWorking visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010. Copyright © Office of the President of the RepublicWorking visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010 Copyright © Office of the President of the Republic
Working visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010. Copyright © Office of the President of the RepublicWorking visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010. Copyright © Office of the President of the RepublicWorking visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010 Copyright © Office of the President of the Republic
Working visit of President of Maldives 16.3.2010. Copyright © Office of the President of the Republic


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Updated 3/22/2010

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