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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
News, 2/3/2006

President Halonen opens 2006 session of Parliament

President of the Republic Tarja Halonen declared the 2006 annual session of the Finnish Parliament, Eduskunta open on Friday 3 February. She emphasized in her address the importance of cooperation between the highest institutions of state – Parliament, the President of the Republic and the Government. She also said that the mutual relationship has functioned well.

Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Paavo Lipponen and President Tarja Halonen. Photo: Lehtikuva

President Halonen emphasized the importance of a long-term foreign policy based on a broad consensus. “Finland still needs to have a single clear foreign policy. Created and maintained in cordial mutual understanding by the President and the Government, with the support of Parliament, it is easy to adhere to.”

According to President Halonen Finland has pursued coherent foreign policy, has good relationships with her neighbours and other countries in the Baltic region and is regarded as a sound and trustworthy partner near and far. “The world is changing all the time, but a broad-based long-term approach will reinforce our credibility internationally.”

President Halonen said that the debate on the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union will be much to the fore during Finland’s coming EU Presidency. “The Constitutional Treaty would represent a clear improvement over the present Treaties. It would be in the interests of the European Union in general and of Finland in particular for the Constitutional Treaty to come into force. Finland will do its utmost to establish a consensus within the EU, and to this end we are working closely with the current holder of the Presidency, Austria.”

This year Finland celebrates the 100th anniversary of universal suffrage and thus of Parliament. President Halonen said that the centennial gives us a reason to consider whether our political system requires reform. “What is particularly worrying is that young people and less fortunate members of society are conspicuously absent from the polling booths. We must take steps to increase public interest in social matters and in the public good. Representative democracy — be it European, national or local — needs not only active voters but also those who are willing to donate their time and their expertise to the management of public affairs.”

In her speech the President also paid attention to the inequality that exists between population groups and between regions. “I consider it important to ensure equitable regional development and that all people resident in Finland are guaranteed equal basic rights no matter where in Finland they live. I also hope that attention will be paid to the welfare gap between different social groups.”

Finally President Halonen hoped that the election next year will encourage the Members of Parliament in their work. She also wished success to the last session of Parliament in the current electoral period.

Full text of the speech

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Updated 2/3/2006

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