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The President of the Republic of Finland: Speeches and Interviews

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 10/24/2008

Opening remarks by President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen at the ASEM 7 Summit in Beijing, 24 October 2008

(check against delivery)

It is a great pleasure to be in Beijing and bring – as the President of the previous host country – the best regards from our Prime Minister and Government, from all of us, to this opening session of the Seventh ASEM Summit.

Two years ago we met up in the north, in the capital of Finland. The overall theme of that Summit was "10 Years of ASEM: Global Challenges – Joint Responses". Over the past years, ASEM has really developed to be an important forum that has brought our two regions closer together and to tackle the challenges we are facing. For example, the Declaration on Climate Change, adopted in Helsinki, is a strong and joint signal on how we want to shape our common future.

Since our meeting in Helsinki, we have taken an important decision about enlarging the ASEM partnership. I want to extend a warm welcome Bulgaria, India, Mongolia, Pakistan and Romania for joining the ASEM family. We are now 45 participants represented at this Summit, which shows that ASEM is a dynamic process. The participating countries represent about 60 percent of the world's population and 60 percent of the world's trade. Together we are stronger. Together we can make a difference during the times of economic uncertainties and turbulence. Together we can promote sustainable development, climate issues and food availability.

The current developments in the financial markets and the world economy will have implications for all of us. We can and will overcome the present financial crisis by taking concrete action and by cooperating more closely with each other. Finland supports the proposals that have been put forward for a stronger international co-operation in this field. We believe that we all should approach the call for a genuine reform of the international financial system with an open mind.

I would also like to highlight that the present economic situation is not a reason to slow down the process to fight climate change. We now need a powerful global agreement more than ever. Key elements to mitigating climate change are to agree on reducing emissions and to ensure enough resources to both development and global distribution of clean technology. Energy efficiency is certainly a field where we can enhance cooperation between European and Asian partners.

It is important that the political leaders of our two regions meet regularly. ASEM is an open and evolutionary process. It has also helped create closer partnerships between businesses, trade unions and non-governmental organisations. Their work is a valuable element of our cooperation. Overall, ASEM provides one of the largest forum for creating a democratic, legitimate and coherent framework for globalization. It helps strengthen the global values, in particular the respect for human rights and the rule of law.

The theme of the Seventh ASEM Summit here in Beijing is 'Vision and Action – Towards a Win-Win Solution'. The theme is very timely and appropriate.

The partnership between Asia and Europe has over the past twelve years resulted in a broader political dialogue, stronger economic relations, as well as deeper co-operation in the field of social affairs and cultural exchanges. We have been able to discuss in an open and straightforward manner on all issues. I believe that this will be the atmosphere here in Beijing during the next two days.

I wish all the success for the Seventh ASEM Summit and for the future dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.

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Updated 10/24/2008

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