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The President of the Republic of Finland: Press Releases and News

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 26.5.2009

Speech by President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen at the banquet in honour of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 26 May 2009

(check against delivery)

Let me welcome you, Mr Secretary-General, and your spouse to Finland for your first official visit as the UN Secretary-General. We have fond memories of your previous visit to our country as Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea in 2006.

A year ago, when we were already prepared to welcome you to Finland, a devastating cyclone struck Burma/Myanmar. Instead of Helsinki, you had to travel to South-East Asia to take stock of the damage, mobilise aid and offer support to victims. You are certainly used to unforeseen events which affect your schedule. I would like to warmly congratulate you on your activities as the Secretary-General during the first two and a half years.

Work for peace and development has been at the core of the tasks of the United Nations from the beginning. In addition to traditional peacekeeping, peace activities have recently included supporting societies more broadly and also providing assistance to victims of natural catastrophes.

Often different catastrophes – both man-made and natural - may have affected the same regions and people, weakening considerably their ability to cope with crisis situations. Such occurrences of disasters have struck for example South East Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries. Therefore we must take into account several risk factors in preventing and managing crises.

* * *

Taking into account all your duties, I am really happy that you were able to come and visit us. Finland is a small country that has not caused much trouble. Quite to the contrary, we want to be involved as efficiently as possible in international efforts to promote stability and well-being. Your visit makes us happy and encourages us.

Many Finns have been prominently involved in different UN activities, including Minister Helvi Sipilä, who recently passed away, and President Martti Ahtisaari, who is present here tonight. Finland has participated in UN peacekeeping since the Suez operation in 1956. We have also had many experts in human rights and more broadly in international law activities. Finnish non-governmental organizations have brought their active contribution - from the Finnish Red Cross and different UN organizations to those participating through national social, health, cultural and church activities.

Like in the Finnish society, in international cooperation as well we strive to pay particular attention to the most vulnerable. Therefore we focus on the position of women, children, disabled and different minorities. You, Mr. Secretary-General, have emphasized the same questions. The International Colloquium on Women's Empowerment, held in Monrovia in March, called for the full implementation of Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security". At the Colloquium, I proposed that systematic rape in armed conflict should be classified as an illegal weapon of war.

The Colloquium called all UN Member States to conclude the negotiations on the new international climate regime and to include the viewpoint of women in all matters related to climate change. Finland and Liberia are planning to organise an event on Resolution 1325 and the role of women in mitigating climate change during the 64th General Assembly in September.

* * *

We should not be afraid of major structural reforms in dealing with global challenges. The well-being of people goes hand in hand with the well-being of nature. Sustainable development is possible if we take good care of people and if we have a strong environmental awareness.

Globalization has certainly benefited many countries. However, the benefits of globalization are not equally shared between and within countries. We need a fairer globalization that focuses more on people. Our common aim must be to ensure productive employment and decent work for all. It is also important to increase the resources for development. Finland and the other EU member states have pledged to reach the goal of 0,7 per cent of the gross national product for development cooperation by 2015.

The weaknesses of the international financial architecture have long been known. This was also stated by the ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization. While national governments are looking for a way out of the current economic crisis, the UN has a vital role to remind us of our responsibilities for the well-being of the most vulnerable. It is important that you, Mr Secretary-General, have acted as the global conscience and advocated the continued implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.

Little time remains for the preparation of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. We welcome your personal engagement and thank you for convening a high-level event on climate change in September. We need results quickly, and we need everybody’s contribution. Finland is committed to an ambitious post- 2012 regime.

* * *

A stronger United Nations is absolutely necessary. We support your efforts to make the organisation more effective and hope for the best. But we can have a better balance already before the rules have been changed.

Allow me to propose a toast to you and your spouse and to the excellent cooperation between Finland and the United Nations.

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