Dinner for the diplomatic corps at the Presidential Palace

President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö and his spouse Jenni Haukio are hosting the traditional dinner for heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Finland and their spouses at the Presidential Palace on Thursday 26 April 2012.

The annual dinner is attended by about 170 guests. In addition to the diplomatic corps, the guest list includes members of Finland’s government along with top-ranking civil servants. The President of the Republic opens the dinner with a welcome speech, which is to be answered by the Dean of the diplomatic corps, Mr Alexander Rumyantsev, Ambassador of the Russian Federation.

Musical entertainment is provided by Grex Musicus Choir conducted by Marjukka Riihimäki and the Guard’s Band conducted by Major Raine Ampuja.


Crème d´Asperges
Petits Choux aux Œufs de Corégone Blanc

Filet de Lavaret Grillé et Courge au Vinaigre
Salade d´Herbes Aromatiques

Poussin Farci aux Epinards avec Légumes Printaniers
Sauce Beurre Blanc au Vert

Rhubarbe au Jus de Fraises et Sorbet à la Fraise
Sauce Yaourt au Citron