Jenni Haukio receives Scouts’ Advent Calendar

Photo: Juhani Kandell/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

Dr Jenni Haukio, spouse of the President of the Republic of Finland, received an Advent calendar of The Guides and Scouts of Finland on Thursday 30 November 2023 at Mäntyniemi. The traditional Christmas greeting was brought by Vendla Hölttä from the Swedish-speaking troop Tre Björkar in Espoo and Okko Lausmaa from the Finnish-speaking troop Riihiveikot in Riihimäki.

The proceeds from the sale of Advent calendars are used to fund scouting activities for children and young people all over Finland. The Advent calendar has been published since 1947. This year’s calendar is illustrated by children’s author Ninka Reittu.

The Guides and Scouts of Finland