Prime Minister, Distinguished Members of Government,
I congratulate you, Prime Minister, for the vote of confidence you just received from Parliament. You will be heading the 76th Government since Finland gained its independence.
You are assuming responsibility as a result of a quick process. You have received the backing of the majority of Parliament and the government programme is familiar to you and your ministers.
The disagreements within the former Government grew too deep. At the same time, the political debate has become heated. The atmosphere is partly tense.
The world around is unstable. It is becoming harder and harder to predict developments in world politics.
Conditions in Finland are also demanding.
It is important for us to find a better dialogue. But it does not mean the absence of pointed and critical debate. It is important to respect the opinions of those who hold a different view. I am fully prepared to support you in all such efforts.
The programme you have inherited from the previous Government is extensive. Your work is just beginning, and a number of issues are pending. Your job requires dedication and determination. As the workings of the Government are based on collegiality, mutual support it also called for.
Cooperation with the previous Government worked smoothly. I expect that our cooperation in foreign and security policy will continue to be close. For my part, I am willing to continue this smooth and natural cooperation.
Prime Minister, Distinguished Ministers,
You are facing a demanding task. I wish you every success in that.