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Suomen tasavallan presidentti: Puheet ja haastattelut

Suomen tasavallan presidentti
Puheet, 13.5.2008

Tasavallan presidentti Tarja Halosen tervehdys Amerikkalaisen kauppakamarin "Foreign Investors’ Summit 2008" -tapahtumaan 13.5.2008 (englanniksi)

In today’s rapidly changing and intertwined global economy, it is important to increase international cooperation and to share views and experiences that address the challenges which face us. Increasing interdependence can be a positive force leading to a fairer
globalization – and to a better life for people and a better operating environment for businesses. In order to make progress for the benefit of all, we need to be open to dialogue and to new insights and ideas. The AmCham Foreign Investors’ Summit 2008 provides an excellent forum for this and for deepening relationship between Finland and the United States.

I wish the Summit the best of success and hope that you all will have a most fruitful and inspiring day.

Tarja Halonen
President of the Republic of Finland

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Päivitetty 13.5.2008

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